Fraud Protection

Fraud Protection for Escape Rooms

  • View fraudulent users in your area
  • Share waiver & photo data with other venues of fraudulent customers
  • Be notified when a problem user signs your waiver
  • Create and share fraud & breakage reports
  • Historical documentation of fraudulent customers
  • Have access to photos of fraudulent customers

Fraud and breakage is a recurring problem within our industry. When a potentially fraudulent customer signs your waiver, we will notify your staff of their presence. We will give your staff a historical log of that customer's activity and any data that has been shared to take action before the game begins.

How can we identify fraudulent customers? Luckily, when using Entertaiment Waivers you are connected to other venues that have the same issues with potentially the same fraudulent customers. Oftentimes, the same customer uses the same tactic in multiple locations or has other participants use similar methods of fraud. That's where we come in!

When using Entertaiment Waivers you can create fraud alerts that will allow you to document and share fraudulent activity with other venues. Likewise, you can view fraud alerts from other venues and use the optional waiver signature and team photo data they have shared. This allows your staff to not only see potentially fraudulent activity before they participate in your attractions but it gives you shared evidence of a fraudulent user's identity you can share with the banks while dealing with disputes.


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